
Doesn’t that random capitalization make you want to smash your head against a wall? It does for me.

Holy cow I’ve been gone for a while, but for good reason!!! I’ve been getting school taken care of and squared away. I start in a week and a half. I’m so excited. My fear of getting lost in the maze of buildings have ceased thanks to CoCo’s awesome ring compass she gave me
It doesn’t actually work, but it does ward of evil demons it gives me the courage of Indiana Jones!
Actually, on a boring rainy day, I went up to the school and used the map in the back of the catalogue book to barely make my way around campus. The good news is 3 of my 5 classes are all in the same building so I can’t repeatedly get lost [or one would hope…]
OCD cat has come back in full force

take a look at my handmade, color coded schedule

Do you see those top classes, the orange and yellow? Guess what time they start at

8 in the morning!

ugh. Again.

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